August 11, 2021
min read

Auckland will move to COVID-19 Alert Level 3 as from noon today 12th August while the rest of New Zealand will move to Alert Level 2. The NZ government guidelines for all industries to operate under Alert Levels 3 and 2 respectively, come into effect again.

More information can be found here.

iMonitor Still Be Operating

As an essential service provider to primary industries, supermarkets, pharmacies and hospitals, iMonitor will remain operating during Alert Level 3.

We change again the way we operate during this time to comply with regulations and to protect the safety and well-being of our staff, customers and suppliers as best as we can during this trying time.

Following the NZ Govt, WHO guidelines, iMonitor will be limiting all face-to-face meetings. We will instead rely on technology to support our customers, either through video conferencing or phone calls based on the need.

Our Hardware team will continue to operate to maintain the critical iMonitor infrastructure within your operations. We will be coordinating closely with your team and the couriers to best support you during Level 3.

The iMonitor team will still be there for you! So, please get in touch to discuss any aspect of your operation.

To make contact, please use the following contact points:



Food & Pharmaceutical:

Phone: +64 09 274 7014

COVID-19 Resource Center

iMonitor has set up a COVID-19 resource center to provide you with useful and relevant information on the guidelines concerning your business.

Click here to access

Contact Tracing App

All businesses will be required to maintain a COVID-19 guest register to enable contact tracing. The New Zealand government released the official NZ COVID Tracer App that businesses are asked to use by displaying QR code posters at their premises.

Using the app helps contact tracing become faster and more effective, which is an essential part of stopping the spread of COVID-19 in Auckland and New Zealand. So, if you are ready to open, it is essential that you enforce the use of this app.

More information about the app and how the collected data is used can be found on the website of the Ministry of Health.

Download it below



iMonitor is committed to support our industry in surviving this challenge. We are here to help you!

Stay safe!

The iMonitor team

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